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Palm Pruning

Most palm pruning is done to remove dry (or drying) foliage, inflorescence (flowers) and / or fruit clusters, especially those that can become a potential risk to people. Pruning is usually done at least twice a year. It is not recommended to use climbing spurs to prune palm trees, as they injure your trunk. Ray's All Tree Service has equipment for climbing palm trees that do not damage the trunk. With the careful choice of the palm, proper planting and regular maintenance, your palm can become a beautiful part of your landscape for many years.


Key Benefits of the Service

Watering your lawn and is the key to preserving its lushness and beauty. The experts carefully design your sprinkler system to ensure maximum coverage to your lawn. Whether you are looking for a brand new irrigation system to maintain your lawn.

  Extend your home with a beautiful garden
  Your property value increases many times initial value
 Aesthetic garden beauty that improves with age
  Allround certified and insured landscapers
  Our Landscapers attend annual training seminars